The dotcom bubble burst back in the year 2020 and since then it would seem that tech has had a huge impact on both our society and our lives. From social media to healthcare and even smartphones, it is safe to say that there has been a huge technological revolution. Even though a lot of tech firms tumbled 20 years ago, it is safe to say that companies such as Amazon recovered their value relatively quickly. If you want to find out more about that or if you want to make sure that you have a solid understanding of how tech has changed so far then this is the guide for you.
Media Consumption
The last 20 years have really shaped how people consume things like media. In the 2000s, so many tech companies were focused on trying to expand their communication through work while also adopting things such as advanced bandwidth for things such as video streaming. Others chose to follow the path of trying to expand their media options far beyond. Pioneers such as PlanetOut chose to do this by providing an alternative media source for those who are part of the LGBTQ community.
Online Gaming
Another thing that has changed dramatically would be online gaming. When you look at the online casino NetBet platform for example, the company offers many different options when it comes to playing live poker, blackjack, baccarat and even slots. Online casino companies have evolved and proliferated; the tech boom has really helped online casinos to take off and it is not surprising to see that it is now the most favourable way of playing games of chance.
Green Tech
Many scientists in this day and age are now looking to tech to try and adopt a more carbon-neutral world. There is a lot of attention being given to climate change today and the efforts to find a solution through things like tech is nothing new. Green-tech has also offered a new investment opportunity for investors right after the crash and it would seem that more and more people are investing in renewable start-ups too. When you look at the last two decades, you will soon see that tech start-ups have expanded on this kind of climate focus. Many people are offering initiatives that go well beyond clean energy to try and slow down the impact that climate change is having.
Biotech and Healthcare
The 2000s saw the rise of the biotech boom which powered stockmarkets around the world to new all time highs. This happened to start in the 1990s and many companies focused on advancing various biotechnologies through things such as tech research. While many firms focus on things such as disease research and treatment, other companies have been focusing on things such as healthcare delivery. They are also trying to ensure that more and more people are given the support they need, when they need it.