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What is the Uses and Loses of Social Media?

What is the Uses and Loses of Social Media?

Social networking websites are the new “Y” school of personal networking. It uses the same basic principles of old-fashioned face to face communication but expands on those concepts. . It has become easier for people to stay connected with others even when they are thousands of miles apart. The following article will discuss some of the many uses and loses of social media.


As previously mentioned, social media provides a sense of common purpose and belonging as teenagers connect with others in meaningful ways via shared interests, experiences, passions, issues, and/or passions. However, social media can also help teenagers display themselves artistically.

Some of the things that you may want to consider as you consider the uses and loses of social media are as follows:


“Avoid the Loss of Personal Identity.” Many people worry that the use of social networking websites may lead to the loss of personal identity. If true, this would be a serious matter because in the digital age everyone is prone to identity theft. It is important that you work to establish your own identity online. In fact, it would be wise for you to engage in activities that demonstrate your own individuality.


“Avoid the Loos of Stimulus Response.” As previously mentioned, one of the many uses and loses of social media are the possibility of receiving “dofollow” comments or messages. A “dofollow” comment is a message that you leave on someone else’s blog or wall that simply states, “Like.” When you leave one of these comments, you are actually giving permission for them to post your comments or messages. If you are not careful, other users may begin to post messages about you and then you can receive unwanted messages that contain unwanted advertising and possibly even legal threats. One way to avoid the possibility of a lose of stimulus response is to never ever give out any passwords or other means of identification through the use of social media.


“Avoid the Loos of Mentality Development.” As social media usage among teenagers increases, more teenagers are developing an obsessive focus on constantly comparing themselves to others, especially those with whom they regularly interact. A teenager may develop an infatuation with someone who is much older than they are, often to the point where they are incessantly comparing themselves to that person and discussing everything that has to do with that person.


“Avoid the Loss of Self-Esteem.” This is the biggest one of all. When you are continuously comparing yourself to others through social media, it becomes much more difficult for you to be independent and to develop a healthy sense of self-worthworth. Every time a teenager feels that they are not as good as another person in their peer group, it tends to take a toll on their self-esteem, even if that comparison is based on small aspects of that person’s life. When they compare themselves to someone who is much older or much richer than they are, they will always feel underdogs and their self-esteem will be very low.


“Avoid the Loss of Social Skills.” The most obvious affect of social media is its ability to bring people together. Once teenagers start to see how successful their high school friends are doing on social networking sites and they start to take note of the people they know who are successful, these teenagers will feel inspired to become successful themselves. However, because of the competitiveness that is engendered by these sites, teenagers are placing a tremendous amount of pressure on themselves to succeed quickly and impress their friends. They will tend to give up too soon and will give up their dream rather quickly to reach their next level. Therefore, teenagers will tend to lose sight of their original goals in life and will give into their low self-esteem when they fail to meet their high expectations.


“The Use of Social Media and Promoting Yourself on Social Networks May Make You Feel Entitled.” Even though this is probably the least-discussed benefit of social media, it is the one that is most important to parents because it tends to indicate that your teen may be living in a false reality in regards to how they see themselves. They may want to look better in front of other people, and may want to build their self-esteem, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t care about you. Your teen may use social media outlets to tell you that they don’t care about you, so it is up to you to make sure that they are telling you the truth at all times.

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